Spanish Revival Apartments

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Author: cbudd

Last revision: 11 Feb at 23:27 UTC

File size: 20.49 MB

On Steam Workshop


Ready for a true siesta on your very own front porch? Finally, you can now do this with the Spanish Revivals!

Spanish Revival is an influential North and central American archtecture style that emerged in the early 20th century when people were looking for innovative ways to decorate their home. as the name says the architecture is inspired by Spanish country homes and cottages. Features heavily used are arches, bright plaster, terracotta tiles, roofed cimneys, front porches and latticed windows.

For me the style is of particular interest due to its readaptation with very American values. Part of it is the fakeness (the bungalows are mostly flat roofed and made from a timber beam construction, unlike their predecessors! Terracotta roof are usually just placed where they can be seen).

Can mostly be found in West-Coast US, particularly in California, but also in other US states and Mexico.

Check out the entire Spanish Revival Collection, and all other San-Francisco related assets I’ve made!

Spanish Revival Apartment buildings features multiple variations of apartment blocks in Spanish Revival style, that can be used to decorate either suburbs or inner city districts. A courtyard apartment displays one very interesting typology of American housing.


Simple models without much stuff on them. Textures are shared with Loading Screen Mod!

Texture Size
Average SpR building:
Average LoD


Google Maps location: HERE []

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cbudd, US, USA, America, United States, Spanish, Revival, house, home, California, suburban, desert, hot, warm, flat roof, hispanic, West-Coast, Mexico, stucco, ranch, ceramic tiles, cactus, dry, mansion, San Francisco, city, urban, apartment, residential, living, flat