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Author: 安徽城建迷

Last revision: 25 Sep, 2022 at 05:11 UTC

File size: 16.42 MB

On Steam Workshop


安粮国贸中心位于合肥市蜀山稻香村,由 安徽省安福置业有限公司 建成,总建筑面积900000,总占地面积153410,共计房屋330户,小区物业公司为安徽绿城物业管理有限公司。 高230米 位于安徽合肥市蜀山区金寨南路811号
这是本人定制的第一个安徽资产,后续还会上新,希望大家多多点赞和评论,学生党攒钱不易! 希望借此可以让更多人了解安徽,了解这个神奇的省份

Anliang International Trade Center is located in Daoxiang Village, Shushan, Hefei City. It was built by Anhui Anfu Real Estate Co., Ltd. with a total construction area of 900000, a total floor area of 153410, and 330 houses. The property company of the community is Anhui Lvcheng Property Management Co., Ltd. 230 meters high, located at No. 811, Jinzhai South Road, Shushan District, Hefei, Anhui

This is the first Anhui asset I customized, and will be updated later. I hope you can give more praise and comments. It’s not easy for the Student Party to save money! I hope this will help more people understand Anhui and this magical province