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Author: AmiPolizeiFunk

Last revision: 16 Apr at 07:54 UTC

File size: 18.1 MB

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Greetings from Berlin-Marzahn!

The neighborhood of Marzahn lies north-east of Berlin and it is characterized by what many call a "Plattenbau Jungle." It was developed on a massive scale by the GDR during the 70s and 80s, with insanely wide boulevards, hundreds of high-density panel building apartment blocks, and manicured lakes and parks next to central shopping areas. It is serviced by trains and trams that wind through the "modern" developments, with plenty of space for thousands of "Gartenanlage" (garden space) communities.

Marzahn has some wonderful curiosities as well! There are three large hills that were created from the rubble of WWII, one of which has been turned into a massive garden theme park called "Gärten der Welt" (Gardens of the World) that has a working "Seilbahn" (Cable Car) to take you to the top! There is a huge "Tierpark" (Wild Animal Park), and enough power supply stations, power lines, and tram depots to keep any avid city builder busy. There is even an U-Bahn (metro) that ends at a ground station (U Hellersdorf), which is a rare sight indeed.

Terrain and Trees from Data

As with my Berlin map from 2021 that is centered on Pariser Platz, this map has terrain and trees sourced from the Berlin city database. Berlin maintains an unbelievably clean 1-meter raster Digital Elevation Model (DEM or "DGM" in German) and publishes updates to it yearly. It was updated most recently on Dec. 22, 2023, and that is the source data that I used for the terrain. This map uses the CRS:25833 projection system that is used by the city. The data has been sourced and downscaled in QGIS for heightmap import into Cities Skylines. In the areas beyond the city of Berlin to the north-east, I have used data from Brandenburg, which is also available in 1m-raster (though not as clean). Even at the low terrain resolution of the game (there is one node every 16m), I am always amazed at how good the terrain can look!

Over the last years, with the help of great tree creators like MrMaison, pdelmo, and Greyflame, we have been slowly expanding our collection of workshop trees, and I have been adding each new wonderful work to my own Berlin tree legend. Like the terrain, the city of Berlin updates its tree catalog yearly, and with each update we are able to convert hundreds of thousands of data items into in-game trees. Our tree collection now includes 76 workshop subscriptions, many of which are tree packs. I’m sure that we have over 100 individual tree models in the legend. In this map of Berlin-Marzahn, there are 302,339 real trees represented!

data credits:
Geoportal Berlin / ATKIS® DGM – Digitales Geländemodell
Geoportal Berlin / Baumbestand Berlin

If you are interested in using QGIS to create highly-detailed maps for CS or CSL2, consider joining us on Revo’s CSLModding Discord[]


I have used QGIS to convert three overlay sources to perfectly match the map layout. Each overlay is a highly-detailed 16384×16384 pixel .png:

  • marzahn-osm-2024-16k-tweaked (Open Street Map with the colors darkened)
  • marzahn-GEsat-2024-16k (Google Earth satellite orthophoto)
  • marzahn-hintergrundkarte-2024-16k (minimal from cityDB w infrastructure & footprints)

Download the 3 overlays from my googledrive here[]

Starter Builds

I have taken the liberty to share some MoveIt! .xml files that you can "Restore" into this map to get you started. All three of them can be found on, under the new category Berlin-Marzahn Restore[]. The first build uses Avanya’s wonderful simple quay to line the Spree, the second build includes the TV Tower and other Alexanderplatz landmarks, and the third build is a highly-detailed collaborative recreation of the Fennpfuhl neighborhood by TeddyRadko, MeisterMonis, and myself. With just a few clicks, you can plop these entire builds into this map!


Special thanks to my first patrons: schohns, TobbySkylines, wopiTV, and Oleg

If you would like to see more stuff like this, please consider supporting me on Patreon. Have fun!

Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

Cities: Skylines - Mass Transit