More Mayors, More Problems Scenario
Welcome to Death Valley! We have had a streak of terrible mayors. You’ll need to deal with their demands and help develop the city into a thriving happy city.
To win:
-Population over 30,000
-Citizen Happiness over 90%
-Construct 15 parks
You lose:
-If you go under $0
-If you go under 0 population
*DLC’s are not required but highly encouraged! You will still be able to play the scenario without them but might miss out on some of the features.
Cities: Skylines - After Dark
Cities: Skylines - Green Cities
Cities: Skylines - Sunset Harbor
Required DLC:
These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.
Cities: Skylines - After Dark
Cities: Skylines - Green Cities
Cities: Skylines - Sunset Harbor