John Deere Plow update

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Author: André

Last revision: 28 Jul, 2019 at 02:10 UTC

File size: 2.77 MB

On Steam Workshop


John Deere Plow update now with the stats of unique industrial steel factory and ad some props.

Credits goes to creator
and for parking place

I changed also
The cost was 75000 now is 100000
maintaince was 5000 now 1000
trucks was 10 now 13
I make also from the total original input the same as the output unique products
output unique products like pows and farming machinerie 400

Look also in my collection to other updates I did for industries

Please let me know if you have another factory set what is nice to change in an unique factory
Or other sugestions.

Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

Cities: Skylines - Industries