Japanese Road Marking Collection for IMT (Ver’ Text)

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Author: adon

Last revision: 19 Jan, 2023 at 06:26 UTC

File size: 1.62 MB

On Steam Workshop


English instructions (use DeepL & Google Translate)

About the Basic Marking Pack

This asset will be a marking pack for IMT, for use on Japanese roads.
We have put together a Vertical-Text Template with 80 Types for various patterns.
Simply specify the template for the road and you can save a lot of time.

Asset Contents

This character pack contains Templates of character markings that are likely to be used frequently on road surfaces.
If you have a marking that does not exist, please modify it based on the Template that matches the number of characters.
Vertical markings depend on the length of the Lane or Line, but longer characters can be entered.

This is the basic width of the game’s lanes and is adjusted for 3 meters.
Character packs are intended for light users or players who do not want to use a lot of assets.
If you want to use more realistic markings, use the creator’s Prop Decal.

Due to the large number of Templates, we are publishing separate Workshops for Horizontal-Text.
Workshop Links: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2920248454
For basic markings used on Japanese roads, check the Basic Marking Pack.
Workshop Links: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2764081051

About Template Names

Since these are Japanese markings, all Template names are written in Japanese.
For more information, see the screenshot and check out the Template.
The template name is nearly identical to the description in the screenshot.

The Template Name as it appears in the IMT is named JP + "縦書き" + place of use + "Character".
The usage part followed by "縦書き" (vertical writing) describes the most commonly used part.

・区分 (Category): Lane Designation and Vehicle Designation
・案内 (Guidance): Traffic position and Traveling direction
・注意 (Attention): Information on Alerts
・警告 (Warning): Traffic Control Warnings
・進路 (Direction): Right turn, left turn, and straight ahead guidance

Required Mods
  • To use it, you will need the Intersection Marking Tool.
  • Use the latest stable version. (Beta version is also acceptable)
  • From the options, check if Asset marking read is enabled.
  • By default, it should be enabled.

Marking for Vertical Character ・Unlike for horizontal writing, many characters can be entered if the lanes and lines are long enough. ・In vertical writing, even some letters and symbols are rotated, so parentheses and other symbols are not displayed correctly. ・Some characters cannot be displayed correctly, so they are entered with other characters when substitutions are possible. Character Style ・Basically, styles should be placed in the newly added lanes, not in lines. ・If placed in lanes, they will be positioned in the center (middle) of the travel lane. ・If the placement is on a line, it will be positioned in the center (middle) of the line. Character Font ・Fonts change with the OS and environment, so we use the game default fonts. ・If you use a font other than the game default, you will need to make adjustments. ・As a supplement, the game default font is the built-in font in Unity. Character Color ・The color of the letters is the color of the white line in the Japanese Basic Pack. ・If you wish to change to another color, please do so on your own as it is possible to copy and paste. ・However, only "止まれ" (Stop) markings are available in white and yellow. Character Position ・The position and orientation of the characters will vary with placement, so please make your own adjustments. ・The setting is left at the default and placed in the center of the Lane (Line). ・Vertical offset is not yet supported, but only vertical writing can be adjusted by adding space. Disable Marking assets ・Since marking assets are loaded, there is a slight impact on the loading time. ・Markings that are not used should be disabled from the Content Manager. ・Or duplicate the required marking and then unsubscribe.

Marking Type

Attention: All Template names are in Japanese
Here is a list of markings and their names in this Basic Pack.
The Workshop screenshots are described in the order in which they appear.

1.区分 (Classification) Tips: Pedestrians and bicycles are separated for regular lanes and for dedicated lanes. Total 13 Types: けん引 / タクシー / バス優先 / バス専用 / 一般車 / 乗用車 / 二輪・軽車両 / 大貨等 / 普通車 / 歩行者(regular lane & dedicated lane) / 自転車(regular lane & dedicated lane) 2.案内 補足: The 2 letter markings, including the others, have slightly different letter spacing. Total 13 Types: バイパス / バス停 / 入口 / 出口 / 優先道路 / 優先道路入口 / 本線 / 構内 / 登坂車線 / 駅前 / 駐車場 / 高速入口 / 高速道路 4.注意 (Attention) Tips: Attention marking that can be set horizontally. Total 28 Types: あっ! / ゆずれ / ゆっくり! / カーブ注意 / スピード落せ / 交差点注意 / 動物注意 / 危い! / 右カーブ / 合流注意 / 学童注意 / 居眠り注意 /左カーブ / 徐行 / 文 / 文あり / 最徐行 / 段差注意 / 減速 / 落石注意 / 踏み切り / 踏み切りあり / 車線減少 / 追突注意 / 通学路 / 速度注意 / 速度落せ / 飛び出し注意 5.警告 (Warning) Tips: Warning markings for traffic control. Total 13 Types: ◊ ◊ (Crosswalk warning sign) / 右折禁止 / 左折禁止 / 直進禁止 / 進入禁止 / 駐停車禁止 / 駐車禁止 / とまれ(White & Yellow) / 止まれ(White & Yellow) / 止マレ(White & Yellow) 7.進路 (Direction) Tips: Other than the warning template, these are right turn, left turn, and straight ahead markings. Total 12 Types: 右折 / 右折のみ/ 右折可 / 右折専用 / 左折 / 左折のみ / 左折可 / 左折専用 / 直進 / 直進のみ / 直進可 / 直進専用


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Intersection Marking Tool 1.12Steam Workshop