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Author: 耶斯瑷度

Last revision: 15 Dec, 2022 at 10:05 UTC

File size: 51.16 MB

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find it :太和门

资产面数 14W
细节 :须弥座 角科 椽子彩画 内部斗拱 天花 平齐 彩画内外等级一致
不可魔物PO 使用sub子建筑导入
感谢@scratchivsky 提供斗拱贴图以及贴图绘画支持
感谢@MC100 提供技术支持
喜欢的点赞支持 !

太和门: 位于北京市东城区北京故宫内,处于外朝中路,是故宫外朝宫殿的正门,建成于明永乐十八年(1420年),时称奉天门;清顺治二年(1645年)改名为太和门;清光绪十四年(1888年)被焚毁;清光绪十五年(1889年)重建 [1] 。
太和门面阔9间,进深4间,建筑面积1371.14平方米,通高23.80米,上覆重檐歇山顶,下为汉白玉基座;梁枋上施有和玺彩画,是北京故宫内最大的宫门。太和门在明代是“御门听政”之处,皇帝在此接受臣下的朝拜和上奏,颁发诏令,处理政事 [1] 。
1961年3月4日,包括太和门在内的故宫被中华人民共和国国务院公布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位 [9] 。

关键词:北京 中国 古建筑 紫禁城 故宫 明皇宫 清 太和门 China

The Gate of Supreme Harmony
Tris: 140,000
It is recommendable to use the HD Filter to enjoy a better experience!
All the details including the base, rafters, brackets (Tou-Kung, simplified Chinese: 斗拱), the ceiling and architectural paintings have matched the same level according to the “Orders and Examples for the Building´s Construction in the Qing Dynasty”.
WARNING! This asset cannot be used for Procedural Objects.
Thank @scratchivsky for creating and providing me with necessary textures.
Thank @MC100 for providing the technical supports.
If you like this asset, don´t forget to give it a thumb!

About the Gate of Supreme Harmony:
The Gate of Supreme Harmony (Taihe men) is the grand formal entrance to the Forbidden City’s Outer Court (wai chao) located in Beijing, China. Built during the Yongle reign (1403-1424) of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), it was first named Gate of Venerating Heaven (Fengtian men). The Jiajing Emperor (r. 1522-1566) renamed it Gate of Imperial Supremacy (Huangji men). Its current name was assigned in 1645 after the Qing regime moved its capital to Beijing and began its rule over China. The gate you now see was rebuilt in 1889 after it was destroyed by fire the year before.

The gate occupies an area of 1371.14 square meters with a height of 23.8 meters. Its three sets of stairs lead up to the 3.4 meters high white marble terrace. In front of the Gate of Supreme Harmony are symbols of legitimacy to rule: four bronze ding tripods, a miniature stone pavilion and a stone case that stand for the documents and seals of imperial authority. Completing the assemblage is the largest pair of cast-bronze lions in the palace which aimed to inspire awe and respect.

Tags: Beijing, China, ancient architecture, the Forbidden City, the Palace Museum, the Gate of Supreme Harmony.