Extended InfoPanel 2

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Author: M.S.Referee

Last revision: 25 May, 2023 at 16:33 UTC (7)

File size: 307.2 KB

On Steam Workshop


(English Language)

Support from a Base Game only to with any or all DLC.
Supported version: 1.17.0-f3


First, You need unsubscribe original version of them to avoid incompatible.
○ "Extended InfoPanel" (Thanks ‘√iinsnian’ created the original version.)
○ "More Simulation Speed Options" (Thanks ‘nlight’ created the original version.)
○ "HideUI" (Thanks ‘nlight’ created the original version.)
○ "Chirper Position Changer/Mover" (Thanks ‘MrLawbreaker’ created the original version.)
–> Click here go to unsubscribe "Extended InfoPanel" Original Version <–
–> Click here go to unsubscribe "More Simulation Speed Options" Original Version <–
–> Click here go to unsubscribe "HideUI" Original Version <–
–> Click here go to unsubscribe "Chirper Position Changer/Mover" Original Version <–


And, this mod tested with whole mods in my "Final List", it’s work fine. So if you got problem or error, you should check look my this post and followed some steps to do.
————-> Click here to see my "Final List" of mods <————-

What’s New About Mod Functions:

○ Combined whole "More Simulation Speed Options" mod functions and added hotkey for 6 level of speed switch.
○ Combined whole "HideUI" mod functions and changed hotkey by press Right or Left Ctrl + F11.
○ Combined whole "Chirper Position Changer/Mover" mod functions.
○ Added "Heating" and "Public Library" panel.
○ Added "Public Transport" citizen using count and "Parked Car" count.
○ Support "Fish" and "Mail" in ‘Import’ and ‘Export’ panel, and also count each single item. And support to over trillion count.
○ Support Multi-Language.
○ Support ‘In-Game’ changed language, and auto updating text display that you don’t need to reloading the game for changing.
○ Support Left, and Right Mouse for open different Infoview windows.
○ Custom Icon for each items. Including "Dynamic Icon" function.
○ "Friendly Tooltips" function for improved small text display.
○ Optimized Performance.

– If you got overlapped problem ‘in-game’, you just need to change resolution to lower, then change back all will be fine. And when you use “UI Resolution” changed UI scale, please do change resolution to lower and change back all will be fine.

Open Translations

If you are interested in translating mods, you can click this link below.
(You can directly open and translate without logging in any account.)

————-> Translation "Extended InfoPanel 2" Mod <————-[drive.google.com]


————-> Thank all translator for help! <————-[drive.google.com]
Thanks algernon’s icon reading code module and translation code module.
Thanks to LeonardMT, Dynamic icon Inspired by LeonardMT.
Thanks kian.zarrin for help checkbox option.
Thanks Col. Cornelius "Cooky" Cockburn for help solve non 16:9 resolution.

Thank you very much to Support Me

Hope "MrBeast" will see this picture! XD

Search tags: Menu, Bar, info, Speed, InfoView

(Chinese Language)(中文)



○ "Extended InfoPanel" ( 感謝 ‘√iinsnian’ 創建了原版。)
○ "More Simulation Speed Options". (感謝 ‘nlight’ 創建了原版。)
○ "HideUI". (感謝 ‘nlight’ 創建了原版。)
○ "Chirper Position Changer/Mover" (感謝 ‘MrLawbreaker’ 創建了原版。)
–> 點擊這裡退訂原版 "Extended InfoPanel" <–
–> 點擊這裡退訂原版 "More Simulation Speed Options" <–
–> 點擊這裡退訂原版 "HideUI" <–
–> 點擊這裡退訂原版 "Chirper Position Changer/Mover" <–


此模組是與我的 ”Final List“ 模組選用 貼文,所有使用中的模組一起測試過的,運轉一切正常。所以如果您有遇到問題或錯誤,請查看、跟隨我的 ”Final List“ 模組選用 貼文排錯。
————-> 點擊此處查看我的 "Final List" 模組選用 貼文 <————-


○ 合並了整個 "More Simulation Speed Options" 模組功能,並添加了快鍵用於切換6個速度級別。
○ 合並了整個 "HideUI" 模組功能 ,並更改了快鍵為 鍵盤左 或 鍵盤右 Ctrl + F11
○ 合並了整個 "Chirper Position Changer/Mover" 模組功能。
○ 添加了 "供暖" 和 "大眾圖書館" 面板。
○ 添加了 "大眾運輸搭乘" 計數和 "已停靠" 私家車計數。
○ 支援 "魚業" 和 "郵件" 在 ‘進口’ 和 ‘出口’ 面板統計,並且同步統計每一個單一品項的統計。而且支持超過 ‘兆’ 的計數。
○ 支援多國語言。
○ 支援 ‘In-Game’ 隨意語言切換,自動更新文字顯示讓您不必重載入遊戲才能看到切換效果。
○ 支援滑鼠左鍵和右鍵開啟對應的資訊窗口。
○ 自訂項目顯示圖標。包括 ”動態圖標“ 功能。
○ “友善提示窗” 功能用於改善字小的狀況。
○ 優化模組效能。

– 如果您有在 “in-game” 內、遇到文字重疊的問題,您只須要切換到其他較小的解析度在切換回來就一切正常了。當您使用 “UI Resolution” 後,也請重復切換一次解析度就會得到正常顯示。


————-> 感謝所有幫助翻譯的玩家們! <————-[drive.google.com]
感謝 algernon 的圖標讀取程式模塊和翻譯程式模塊。
感謝 t1a2l 幫助修復文字顯示問題。
感謝 LeonardMT, “動態圖標”靈感源自 LeonardMT。
感謝 kian.zarrin 幫助複選框功能。
感謝 Col. Cornelius "Cooky" Cockburn 幫助解決非16:9解析度問題。


ご寄付ありがとうございます!       기부에 대한 정말 감사합니다!

搜尋關鍵字: 選單,菜單,任務欄,訊息,信息,資訊,速度