Population Demographics

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Author: rcav8tr

Last revision: 24 Sep, 2023 at 19:20 UTC (3)

File size: 72.7 KB

On Steam Workshop


Show population demographics in a cross-reference grid.

Detailed Description

The demographics are displayed in a Demographics panel beside the Population Info View panel. To show the Demographics panel, click the Demographics button on the Population Info View panel. To hide the Demographics panel, click the X in the upper right corner.

On the panel, you can choose the district, opacity, row/column, and count/percent. These are described below.


The District dropdown allows you to choose which citizens to include:

  • Citizens in the Entire City (default)
  • Citizens that are in No District
  • Citizens that are in a specific district

The options for No District and a specific district are available only when you have at least one district.


The Opacity slider allows you to choose the opacity of the Demographics panel. The opacity of the Population panel is not changed.

Row and Column Selections

The demographics are displayed in a grid on the panel. The Row and Column selections allow you to choose which demographics to use for the rows and columns of the grid. Any combination of row and column selection is allowed.

The intersection of a row and column in the grid shows the citizens with that combination of demographics. There is a Total row which shows the total for each column. There is a Total column which shows the total for each row. The intersection of the Total row and the Total column is the population of the selected district. Note that due to timing, the data might differ slightly from the population reported by the game.

There is a row and column for Moving In which shows the citizens moving into the selected district by row/column selection. There is a row and column for Deceased which shows the deceased citizens in the selected district by row/column selection.

The heading for each row includes a colored bar that indicates the Total for that row. The row with the highest Total has a full bar. The other bars show the Total for each row in proportion to the row with the highest Total. The bars provide a visual indication of the distribution amongst the rows. The bars for Age alternate between longer and shorter due to rounding when a citizen’s internal game age is converted to a real age.

Buildings are colored according to the average demographic of citizens residing in the building for the selected column and district. For example, if Education column is selected, the building will be colored according to the average Education level (0 to 3) of the citizens in the building. When None is selected, the building color indicates number of citizens.

When the cursor is over a residential building, the selected column’s demographic value for that building is shown below the cursor.

See Row/Column Selections for more details.

Count vs Percent

The Count and Percent options in the lower right of the Demographics panel allow you to choose how to display the demographics. When displaying Percent, the main part of the grid shows the percent of the selected district population while the Moving In and Deceased percents are the percent of each total respectively. Note that percents might not add up to the total percents due to rounding.

Other Notes

Child Health Center and Eldercare buildings are not included because citizens do not actually reside in the buildings, they only visit the buildings.

The demographic data updates every few seconds depending on the speed of your computer.

The Demographics panel show/hide status, opacity, row/column selections, and count/percent status are saved between games.


This mod does not alter game save files in any way and can be safely disabled or unsubscribed at any time.

This mod does not alter the game mechanics in any way. This mod only displays information already in the game.

This mod has been tested only on Windows but should work on Mac and Linux.

This mod is compatible with Ploppable RICO Revisited mod, CimCare Mod, and More CitizenUnits mod.

This mod may or may not work correctly if another mod is enabled that alters the logic to get building color when the Population info view is displayed.

Source Code

Available here[gitlab.com].
Change notes here.


This mod depends on Andreas Pardeike’s[github.com] Harmony 2 Patching Library[github.com] provided as a mod by boformer.

The development of this mod relied on the ModTools mod by BloodyPenguin to view the internal workings of Cities Skylines.

Required items:

Click the title to search on this site.

Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)Steam Workshop

Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.