Theme Mixer 2․5

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Authors: algernon, Nyoko, Chamëleon TBN

Last revision: 23 Jul, 2023 at 08:03 UTC (11)

File size: 94.39 MB

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Hello! I wanted to give you a heads up that using both Theme Mixer 2 and Theme Mixer 2.5 mods simultaneously can cause some overlapping functions and potentially break the game. To ensure a smooth experience, I recommend using only one version at a time.

Disclaimer: All promotional images and materials featuring Delta Theme Mix (Windmolen Delta), Dalmatian Coast Theme Mix and UK Theme Mix were authorized by uncleron, the creator of these theme mixes. This means that we have obtained permission from the rightful owner to use these materials for promotional purposes.

Theme Mixer 2.5: Bug Fixes and Improvements

Original Theme Mixer 2:

Your donation can help me continue to work on this mod and bring new features to the game. Every dollar helps, and even small contributions can go a long way. Your support will not only help me improve Theme Mixer 2.5 but also support the modding community as a whole.


Credits to the original author TBP.

– This mod uses BloodyPenguin’s translation framework for localization.
– It also uses Pardeike’s Harmony Lib for patching some methods.
– The Unique Harmony ID is "com.nyoko.thememixerv2.5".
– The icons used for the mod are from flaticon[] with some modifications.

What’s TM2.5?

Theme Mixer 2.5 is a continuation of the original Theme Mixer 2 mod, which was abandoned by its original creator. The goal of Theme Mixer 2.5 is to update the mod and add new features, while preserving the functionality and usability of the original mod. It aims to provide Cities Skylines players with an easy and intuitive way to customize their game’s themes and create unique cityscapes.

By updating the original codebase and addressing bugs and compatibility issues, Theme Mixer 2.5 hopes to provide a more stable and reliable modding experience for players. It also seeks to introduce new features and functionality that were not present in the original mod, such as improved UI and additional theme options.

Will Theme Mixer 2 mixes work with Theme Mixer 2.5?

• Yes, Theme Mixer 2 mixes will work with Theme Mixer 2.5. Meaning that any mixes created in the older version will still be compatible with the newer version.

• However, it is worth noting that Theme Mixer 2.5 is a more stable and supported version of the mod. While Theme Mixer 2 has been abandoned and is no longer updated or supported, Theme Mixer 2.5 is actively maintained and receives regular updates and bug fixes. This means that if you encounter any issues or bugs while using Theme Mixer 2 mixes in 2.5, you are more likely to receive prompt support and assistance.

• Additionally, Theme Mixer 2.5 offers a number of improvements over the previous version, so you may want to consider upgrading to take advantage of these enhancements.

Theme Mixer 2.5 has integrated a custom class library derived from the now-discontinued Ultimate Eyecandy mod, bringing the Latitude and Longitude features to the mod.

So where is the UI?

The UI for Theme Mixer 2.5 is accessed through a button located in the bottom left corner of the screen, next to the Milestones button. This button has been redesigned to feature a prominent number 2. You can also move the button by right-clicking and dragging it to your preferred location on the screen.

How do I change the Shortcut Key for Theme Mixer 2.5?

To change the shortcut key for Theme Mixer 2.5, follow these simple steps:

Open the Cities Skylines menu and click on the Options panel.
In the Theme Mixer 2.5 tab, find the "Shortcut Key" dropdown menu.
Select the desired key from the dropdown menu.
That’s it! Your new shortcut key will be set and you can use it to quickly open the Theme Mixer 2.5 UI.
Default key is None.
If the hotkey saving process is unsuccessful, you can edit the key configuration manually in the "TM2.5_key_config.txt" text file located in the "AppDataLocal" directory.


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